Meeting Schedule

The Seed Library of Los Angeles holds free lectures about gardening and seed saving every Saturday in different parts of the city. Members can also participate in the weekly seed exchange:

1st Saturday of the month SLOLA ALta Dena meets at the community room in The Main Altadena Public Library on Mariposa Street. 10am-12pm. Seed Exchange then lecture.

3rd Saturday SLOLA Venice meets in the Learning Garden on the Venice High school Campus at 2:30-4 pm Enter by Walgrove. Seed check in and out followed by lecture.

These meetings are important hubs of enthusiastic people in all stages of sustainable living. Above all else, we try to connect to one another and move towards becoming a community of seed-savers. We know our current food/agriculture model is broken and we know we must do something ourselves to change it. Stay connected with Instagram and Facebook

This is a very exciting opportunity for anyone concerned about the safety of our seed supply and our society's ability nourish our families into health with slow food. Please come and contribute your energy and creativity to this sacred tradition of life.  

It is most important that we do this now, when we don't have to, so that we know what to do and how to do it when we do have to!

What Is A Seed Library?

A seed library is a depository of seeds held in trust for the members of that library.  Members come to the library and borrow seed for their garden.  They grow the plants in their garden and at the end of the season, they leave a plant or two to 'go to seed.'  From those plants, they collect seeds and return the same amount of seed (or more) as they borrowed at the beginning of the growing season.  No cost for seeds.

What are some of the benefits of a seed library?
1.  Seed can be kept fresh by many people growing it out rather than one person who could not grow out a large variety of seeds every year.
2.  Over time the plants will change slightly in response to our local climate and soil and gradually through generations will become better seeds for our area.
3.  A seed library insures we can have a food supply that is reproducible and uncontaminated with unproved technology and is independent on non-local inputs:   open-pollinated seed will come true to the seeds planted, which guarantees our seeds are not from hybrids or Genetically Modified Organisms.
4.  Participants in a seed bank become more attuned to and in tune with the natural cycle of the earth and find relief from the regimentation of an industrial society that has no respect for ebb and flow of a natural life that is cyclical and not linear. We protect our seed supply from intervention from Monsanto and other large corporations who wish to control most of our food supply and we cooperate with nature in carrying on valuable genetic material for future generations.  We become engaged in the full-cycle of gardening and life.

If you want more information, respond by comments below and we'll get more information to you...Our initial collections will include a few annual herbs and vegetables only. Sometime California Native plants and healing herbs from several different healing traditions (Chinese, Ayurvedic, Native American and Homeopathic may be added at some point in the future. Donations of viable, open-pollinated seeds are welcome at this time - seeds left over from several years ago may not germinate and will not be helpful to the seed library.