Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Food Movement: Its Power and Possibilities

"The number of hungry people has soared to nearly 1 billion, despite strong global harvests. And for even more people, sustenance has become a health hazard—with the US diet implicated in four out of our top ten deadly diseases. Power over soil, seeds and food sales is ever more tightly held, and farmland in the global South is being snatched away from indigenous people by speculators set to profit on climbing food prices," from an essay by Frances Moore Lappé, titled, "The Food Movement: Its Power and Possibilities" featured in The Nation.  Read his essay, then follow with the responses from Raj Patel, Vandana Shiva, Eric Schlosser, and Michael Pollan.  They are all make fascinating reading!  It's a breath of cleansing air to read the thoughts of these seminal thinkers in such days of almost uniformly bad agricultural news.  